/sends hugs to everyone. You guys got me all sniffly reading this thread.

I love this board because ... people here are just awesome - welcoming, encouraging, enthusiastic, friendly... you name it. (And hey, y'all even put up with all my annoying Bat-related obsessions, so you ought to be commanded for that!) I've made several friends here, some of whom I'm closer to than people I know in "real life" and that's a very precious thing. This is a wonderful community and I'm very happy to be able to say that I'm a part of it. smile

I want to give a shout-out to ...
(first off, limiting to three makes it HAAAARD!)

1. MrsMosley (Lisa) - for being the sweet, wonderful and generous person that she is; because she's the one who got me onto LiveJournal, and because of this "little" idea she had one day that's had a huge, positive impact on myself and several other girls. *hugs you tight* You rock, girl!

2. Eva - for sharing some of my obsessions (*giggles*) and always leaving such fun and detailed feedback, even on video clips. It's always nice to know when people react to something the way you hoped they would. smile Thank you!

3. Jojo - for being such a positive and encouraging person, because she always knows just what to say to make people feel better (or at least *me* - hehe!) and for pointing me in the direction of a few LJ communities where I could post all that "other stuff" I write - cause yeah, that's probably silly, but it's made a huge, huge difference in my life, and I'm a much happier bat now. smile

...and now, because I don't know how to follow directions :cough: and 'cause these aren't specific people, but rather a group of, I'd like to give a big shout-out to anyone and everyone who's participated in all those ficathons and vidathons that I've (sorta-kinda) organized. You guys rock for signing up and coming up with some really awesome stuff - on a deadline! smile I thank you for it, from the bottom of my heart.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies