Okay here is my atempt to help spread the morale...

I love this board because ...It is so great to be able to talk to others who like the same things that I do. Also putting something from my mind to here and the feedback on it usually makes me positivally giddy. I love it here!

I want to give a shout-out to ...
1. Jenn, for being a totally rockin' beta and rockin' author!
2. Jessi, for I did not actually dive into this fandom...but rather was pushed in...then upon the realization that I loved it began to swim in it with enthusiasm...wait...I digress...Thank you Jessi for introducing me to this awesome fandom, these awesome people...and for being truly awesome herself.
3. Lara, cause as an author she roxers the boxers....and she rocks just as hard as a beta...and rocks harder as a friend.

Really all three of them are great and I love them all *HUGS* and many others.

"Madness is like gravity...it just takes a little push." ~The Joker