I love this board because of threads like this. No seriously, I love how much everyone cares for each other and how they want to give each other a little boost. I love that people can post up prayer requests or disappointments and achievements and everyone comes out of the woodwork to support you. Plus there are so many talented people in one place it is hard to resist coming by to visit you all.

I want to give a shout-out to ...

1. ML Thompson. Seriously, I love everything you write and the reason is because it is always so different than anything I've read before. I'm so glad you are still around and belting out great stories for us. I love how fresh all your ideas are and I can't wait to see more from you. (I promise to come in and give some FDK on your new one soon!)

2. Lara... well for being Lara. It's been nice to have someone to geek out with and who let me force anime on her. Plus the fact that she is constantly doing beta for so many people on this board! She is a hard worker behind the scenes of so many fics that grace our boards (really check the authors notes!).

3. TOC. I know some people get frustrated with you sometimes but I greatly admire someone who sticks by their opinions so strongly. If it weren't for people like you nothing in the world would change and none of us would ever question our own opinions. I know I've thought more seriously about my own opinions while perusing one of your threads. I may not agree with what you say all the time but at least you have helped me think about what I do believe and to me that is worth it's weight in gold.

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!