Right now, I'm trying my hand at gardening, with mixed results. It's not so easy for me to garden, though, since I live in an apartment. I've got a bunch of containers out on my front porch and a small garden over in my mother's back yard. It's a rather sad looking garden, though, as something is eating the leaves of my plants and I haven't found anything yet that will protect them. I also have a small corn patch in another section of the yard, a small garden plot (very small!) in the front yard and a square with sweet potato plants.

Hmm, I crochet a little. I consider myself an advanced beginner with that. Maybe intermediate. I can make hats and granny squares without a pattern. I can make things with those granny squares, too, like bedroom slippers for my kiddos and a few blankets, mostly baby blankets. I tried knitting, but I couldn't figure out the purl stitch, just the knit one, so I decided to stick with crochet.

I like computers and electronic gadgets. I'm considering getting a GPS sometime soon, mostly so I can play with it since I don't drive much anymore.

I love to read, but I hate to buy books, so I'm currently waiting for book one of Winds of the Forelands by David Coe at the library I work at.

That's pretty much it. It's not too much, is it. Oh well, I keep busy enough between those, my kids and work.


Rose: You're NOT keeping the horse!
Doctor Who: I let you keep Mickey, now lets go!
Doctor Who, The Girl in the Fireplace