I have lots of hobbies, but not enough time in which to do them all.

I love to read and write (obviously), although I generally don't write fiction. The stories I've posted here in the past couple of weeks are my first forays into fiction in a very long time.

I'm also a complete nerd. I love current events - I keep up with the news, almost always in print form. I like trivia and puzzles. I do crosswords and sudoku puzzles religiously. I watch Jeopardy every weekday. It doesn't matter what I'm doing - watching a movie, cooking dinner, reading fic - I drop everything at 7:30 prompt.

I love to travel. I haven't been a lot of places, really, but I'm working hard on expanding the list of places I've been. Whenever I can manage a trip somewhere, I go, even if only for a couple of days. I'm currently stuck in a Las Vegas rut - every time I have the time and money to go somewhere, I go to Vegas. Seeing as how I'm getting married in Vegas next month, it has given me a few good "excuses" to go out there over the past year. (Oh, I just need to check the chapel one more time... wink ).

Music and theatre are big passions of mine. I find that nothing moves me quite as much as music can, no matter what mood I'm in. My music tastes can't be summed up in any specific genre. Once upon a time, I used to sing, but I gave it up when I discovered theatre. I was actively involved in community theatre for several years before real life demanded more of my attention. I acted for a little while, but eventually found that stage management was my true calling. A couple of years ago, I helped out one of my favorite directors I used to work frequently with by stepping in as a stage manager for her production. Trying to do that, work all day, and go to school at the same time, just about killed me. I hope to get involved in theatre again some day, but it's not going to happen any time soon.

I'm a big lighthouse fanatic, too. I collect anything lighthouse related I can get my hands on: figurines, blankets, salt and pepper shakers, etc. I've got a specific interest in the Morris Island Lighthouse off the coast of Charleston, SC. The lighthouse is in danger of collapse, and there's an effort to save it since it's a historical landmark: www.savethelight.org

I guess my other big obsession is weather. I would love to study meteorology formally. Right now, I settle for teaching myself everything I can learn. I'm especially fascinated with hurricanes. I'd love to be a hurricane expert.

Other than that, I enjoy playing poker, dabbling in photography, and torturing (umm...loving) my cats. I go to school full-time (I plan to be a professional student...I'm trying to see just how many degrees I can get before all of my student loans implode) and work full-time, so I have no idea how I do all of this!