Hmmm.... I'm a nerd, you know?

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This could be me, about 45 years ago. But I had, and have, brown eyes.

Things interest me....

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...astronomy, the universe and Earth (and I think that this is probably a picture of Perseus A, two merging galaxies, and the enormous shock waves generated by this super-titanic collision... (and here\'s a link to another picture of Perseus A, which is the bright reddish galaxy on the left with some blue fluff surrounding its bright nucleus)

...and the more down-to-earth awesomeness of space (this is a painting by Vincent von Gogh, showing the Big Dipper...)

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...religion (you know about that...)

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...ummm, no, that kind of 'saved' doesn't qualify as religion, even though I found it when I googled for pictures of 'religion' - let's have this image instead:

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...I'm also interested in other times, places and cultures...

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...and I like, um, beautiful and fantastic architecture...

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...and I like the beautiful nature...

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...and... flowers?

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...and animals...

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...and chocolate, and other goodies...

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And I'm interested in a lot of other things, too. Because I'm a nerd.
