I collect hobbies faster than I can manage them all. XD I didn’t realize how big of a dork I was until I listed them all out. Haha.

Cross stitch: I have several projects that I am working on right now. This is a soothing activity for me. If anyone is interested I’ll link them. I have been doing this since I was a kid. smile

Anime: I love to watch anime. I have a ton of favorites and I’m not even going to go into those. I’ll just let you know which ones I’m watching right now. Bleach, Vampire Knight, Soul Eater.

Doramas: These are Asian Dramas (Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese). These are very different than our soap operas and tv shows. They generally run one season (sometimes 2 if they are very popular) and have really fun story lines. Many times they are based on a manga or anime (another reason why I love them). They range from comedies to tear-jerkers. The story lines are usually very original compared to what we have here in the states.

Manga Scanslation: This is my big hobby. I got into this when I was in college about 6.5 years ago. I had a deep love of anime but I didn’t have the bandwidth at the time to enjoy it online. So I started reading online manga (Japanese comics) for the same series I loved as anime. Soon that obsession grew and grew.

What is scanslation though? Well basically I buy the original Japanese manga and tear it apart. I then scan it. Someone else translates the txt into English. Then someone else cleans up the scans in photoshop and edits out all the Japanese and puts in English txt.

It is a really neat process and I’ve been addicted to since I started it.

Fanfiction: Other fandoms I am active in are: Full Metal Alchemist and Sailor Moon. I have a ton of others I read fiction for but I only write for the two above. I actually have a LJ community dedicated to the Sailor Moon romances with writing challenges. (Yes yes… I know it is cheesy. But it was my first anime and is still dear to my heart so leave me alone!)

Cosplay: Okay okay. So even I cringe mentioning this. Two years ago I went to my first anime convention and spent the first the first 2 hours giggling uncontrollably at people in costumes. By the end of the convention though I had grown to appreciate what I was seeing in some of the costume (a lot of them still make me giggle cause they are so bad). Last year one of my friends made me a costume for that same convention and I had an absolute blast. There is something to be said for dressing up with thousands of other people and just having fun.

This year I plan on attempting to make my own costume. I’m learning to sew at the same time. It should be interesting to say the least. smile

World of Warcraft: Level 70 Night Elf Druid – Balance – Aggramar Server (Enough said)

Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH!
Lois: Ork!