Hobbies other than LnC - lets see.

READING - Don't really have time to read books. After reading the fanfic here, and beta reading I don't have time for books. I do read every month PC World, PC Photo, Outdoor Photography, Popular Photography/Digital Imaging and Shutterbug. Which obviously leads into my next hobby:

PHOTOGRAPHY - more namely landscape photography and I'm getting into wildlife as well. People I don't do they tend to be a pain in the butt when you try to take their picture.

TRAVEL - I haven't done any distant traveling in a while because of the cost. I've recently started researching all the local (with in a couple of hours drive) parks, scenic spots, monuments etc. of where I live which is the beach in Maryland.

SHOPPING But not just any shopping. Lowes and Home Depot. I love browsing those stores and coming up with things to use and do to my house. I'm a do it yourselfer if I can manage it. I'm going to put in a new kitchen faucet this weekend and a new shower head.