Actually, I'm among those who are very worried about RTD leaving the show. I'm a huge fan of his scripts, apart from the S3 finale, which, to me, felt very weak compared with the previous two finale that he wrote and that remain among what I consider the best written episodes in television (especially Army of Ghosts / Doomsday)

Moffat is hit and miss to me as well. Like Wendy, I didn't like Girl in the Fireplace, though I really enjoyed Blink despite the lack of continuity (but then, S3 continuity didn't fascinate me as much as S1, 2 or 4 did) and The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances are really fantastic episodes.

Still. I had complete faith in RTD to make me love the show. I know how much he cares for the characters, how he considers the Doctor to be a sexual being as well as a fascinating alien, how he makes the Doctor get so close to human emotions. I would drink in his words every time he spoke in the Confidentials.

Plus I hate changes as a rule. They make me uncomfortable. Which is silly, I know. I mean, I was a huge fan of Nine and felt totally crushed when David Tennant took over, and now I'm such a Ten fan that I have a hard time imagining anyone but David Tennant as the Doctor. And the idea that David Tennant will not be the Doctor forever scares me stiff.

I suppose I'll just have to wait and see. RTD has revived the whole Doctor Who concept and made it new while still staying true to what most older Whovians considered appropriate. I can't see him trusting Moffat to take over without having checked first that Moffat has the same sort of view on the characters as he does. Maybe that's naive of me. We shall see, I suppose. At least the whole S1-2-3-4 arc will be complete and RTD probably won't leave much in the way of loose ends there. So if need be, I can happily keep on fanficcing for RTD's era and ignore Moffat's... hopefully I won't have to. smile

Kae smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~