Moffat's been hit and miss for me, mainly because he has a tendency to ignore series continuity in his episodes. I loved his S1 two-parter (Empty Child/The Doctor Dances) but was very irked by Girl in the Fireplace for a number of reasons, including Moffat's comment during the commentary that he hadn't read the scripts for previous episodes so had no idea that Rose was supposed to be annoyed that Mickey had joined them. With Blink also, otherwise a very good episode, continuity up to that point was completely ignored. So it'll be interesting to see how he handles an entire season arc - though, if he's taking over from next year, he'll only have three one-hour specials to take care of.

This particular development's been rumoured for the best part of a year; I just hope the other rumour that's been around for almost as long (David Tennant leaving soon) doesn't turn out to be true just yet!

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*