isn't a drink necessarily. It is anything that refreshes including a cold shower! Or food. Menus would say "Drinks" and include coffee, hot tea, iced tea, soft drinks (unspecified but usually Coke, Pepsi or both). The server usually lists the brands of soft drinks verbally. If I remember correctly, the McDonalds in Athens on the Plaka listed "Drinks" and then the Coffee, tea and Coke. Also, that includes diet Coke here even if they don't say so. Oh by the way, Lois's favorite cream soda is called that and usually isn't ever served in a fast food place. It's kind of a New York thing.
b) Pop is the kind of music we all know. And you can't drink music, can you
Actually, pop the drink came before pop the music. Pop music is called that because the fans were young people who drank pop.
Alka Seltzer is a pill dropped in water to help cure an upset stomach. Selter water is an east coast thing and was the separate fizzy part you put into a flavored syrup to create a beverage like Coke before Coke was bottled and sold everywhere. Soda water (also club soda) can be drunk separately but is commonly used like tonic water with alcoholic beverages. The difference between club soda and tonic water is the quinine in the tonic water. That's how people got their anti-malaria drug for the tropics in the 18th century.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis