And CC, caramel pronounced care a mel is a song by Suzanne Vega. But it's CAR mul apples and CAR mul corn.
I've gotten such a kick out of all the caramel vs carmel (seriously?) information you very nice people have provided.

I went back and retook the quiz. When I changed that one answer from three syllables to two, I was suddenly 5% less Dixie and 5% Upper Midwestern.

So, now I know exactly who to blame for that 'drop out the A' thing.

Not too long ago I was able to meet some genuine FoLCs. Real people with faces and voices, if you can imagine such a thing. Therefore, many different accents.

And the one that really stood out for me was that MidWestern 'Oh, we don't have any accent at all' accent.

Yeah, right. Then where's your 'A', people? Hmmmmm?


You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
