55% General American English
25% Yankee
15% Dixie
0% Midwestern
0% Upper Midwestern

A bit surprised about the 15% Dixie, but I was born in Georgia. <shrug>

Also no idea what to call an easy class other than an easy class. Certainly never heard any of the terms mentioned there. So, I left that one blank. Thanks, Rivka.

CC, there is an alternate pronounciation of "caramel" that basically skips the A in the middle. It comes out sounding something like "CAR-mul," and you say it fast, almost slurred. I use either pronounciation, depending on my mood and the situation. Usually, if it's part of a phrase/name, it's "CAR-mul," but if it's on it's own, it's "car-a-mel."


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.