Good thing you live in Greece, Anna:
Not that I know the difference between Yankee or Dixie [Goofy]
You'd be in trouble here smile Yankees are North of the Mason-Dixon line and Dixie speakers are South of the Mason-Dixon line. We have such a short history, the Civil War of 1860 is still burned in our minds.

As for TP-ing a house: It is a common Halloween ritual spread to other just because days. Tipping over out-houses was popular, but with indoor plumbing now, that's harder to do. Also popular with teens is stealing road sign posts, particularly if the street name is their name.
Edit: when lynn said she "rolled trees" I visualized her rolling logs on the lawn like a lumberjack. We call it toilet papering or TP-ing, never rolling. When my kids were teenagers, our front trees got it a lot. My kids had to clean up, because it was their friends who did it!

As for an easy class, I have heard it called a gut but never used the term myself since I didn't take any. Not if you want to get through physics in 4 years.

My scores:
65% General American English
15% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Midwestern
5% Yankee
This makes sense because I was raised in California by parents from Minnesota. I had many friends originally from the south while I was in school. But in my neck of the woods, y'all isn't really understood.

I remember a rather large discussion on Pop, Soda and Coke. I was brought up on Pop or Soda, but use Coke even though I drink Pepsi smile

Here's something very Upper Midwestern: Anyone remember the white margarine that came in a bag with a color pill? You squished the pill inside the bag and massaged it through the margarine to make it look like butter. My California eyes had never seen anything like it until I visited the family in Minnesota. The dairy industry made this a law so that margarine could be visually distinguised from butter. To those who may not know what margarine is - butter is from cows, margarine is from a chemical plant.

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis