How Do you answer these questions?

37. At school or work, do you (A) act like a schmuck or (B) act like a kiss-*** ?

39. Do you obey the voices in your head? (A) Yes or (B) No

The above two are lose-lose situations. It's like the question. "Have you stopped beating your wife?"

Personally, I answered 37. A and 39. B.

Then there is this one....

49. Would you rather (A) run through the mall naked or (B) be trapped in a small box with no light?

That is noooo contest. I am a die-hard claustrophobic <sp>.

And last but not least...

59. Do you think Tom Green is funny? (A) Yes or (B) No

Who is this person?


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!