I am a promoter. Weird, that isn't at all what I tested before in Meyers-Briggs tests. I am pretty much 50/50 extrovert/introvert -- surprising given that I was a severe introvert when I was a kid. I always thought I was a lot more judgemental than perceptive, too, but apparently not. I am also a sensitive feeler, but again it is pretty much in the middle and it doesn't seem right to me.

However, I kind of like the description, and it is kind of like me. I've always aspired to be an evil dictator.

The Promoter

A Puppet Master. That's what you are, or can be if you wish. As a Promoter, you have the natural ability to manipulate people. The possibilities are just rushing into that little head of yours now, aren't they? The rest of us really hope you're a good person, because you can be very evil if you want.

Promoters are all about action. You're able to make things happen the way you want them to. Confident and very skilled socially, you're able to turn people into putty in your hands. You love to debate and argue -- and you're very good at it, even when the facts are against you. Others envy you and wish they could do the things you can, so be proud and be a role model.

The flipside of being exciting and powerful is that you'll be distrusted and avoided. People don't like to be threatened, and those that know how powerful you can be will simply stay away. Ahh, don't worry about it -- there are plenty of others to feed off of!

Possible Careers: Salesman, Politician

Laura "The Yellow Dart" U. (Alicia U. on the archive)

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -- Christopher Reeve