Like all the rest of you, I could see this episode had enough scientific holes in it to drive a starship through them. But you all missed the main point...

Clark saved Lana! We had our big chance to lose her and make this the Clark and Chlois show. Oh, and Lex, too. Since the phone call actually triggered the whole sequence of events, I was rather disappointed Clark was able to circumvent what should have happened. Oh well. I guess she's signed up for a few more seasons, so I suppose we're stuck with her.

Come on PTB! Just admit that Chloe is Lois and get on with the real love story. Granted they'd lose half their audience who actually like Lana, but some of us Lois fans would be quite happy. smile

Psst! Hey Miller and Gough, we have a couple of really good writers who would love to help you out with that "Clark really loves Lois" problem you have. We call them Lynn and CC here. Why don't you give them a call?

-- Roger

"The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself." -- Benjamin Franklin