Laura, I've been waiting on this thread, too! Just to read the debates I know others will have.

I'm like Lynn. This ep was so so. I mean, seeing TW any time is a good thing. Just like with Dean. Eye candy's eye candy! And we have to keep those eyes happy! clap

I had a problem with Lex, too, Lynn. How can Clark not be upset about this? He heard enough to know the guy's up to no good. I think he was also supposed to hear enough to think that Lex was trying to 'fix' things, but they failed in that aspect. I look forward to the evolving Lex Luthor more than anything these days. We all know Clark will be Superman one day, but this Lex leaves you guessing about his character.

So glad we didn't have a huge Chlois dynamic this week. Haven't I mentioned that I really don't want Chloe to be Lois? Sorry CC!

Don't have the first season eps to watch and debate with you guys, but I look forward to the war! Might even help with the tension by adding fuel to the fire now and then. evil

CC, watch this ep so we can get your opinion! And let's hope tonight is better!