Yes, Jen, come back! And anyone else who's scared, take my word for it, your heros aren't as intimidating as you think they are. They're just normal people - wait, what am saying? Normal is not exactly the right word here.... <EG>

In any case, I promise people will welcome you with open arms. I survived the first couple of awkward times, and you can too. You can't possibly be as pathetic as I was in the beginning.

You should have seen the first email I sent to Kathy, when I was first coming out of lurkerdom. "I know you don't know me, and, well, I totally understand if you are too busy to reply. I really don't mean to bother you. I'm sure you have lots of other things to do. And people probably email you all the time to ask for advice. And, well, I just thought maybe, if it wasn't too much trouble, you might find a little time to look at this. But if you can't, don't worry, that's ok.)

Annie (who seriously hopes Kathy doesn't have a copy of that actual email somewhere.)

Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen