Well, I can't remember why, or when, I de-lurked. It happened in stages, I remember. At first I only posted when it was directly related to fanfic. Either a story or a comment. Now I have joined the ranks of the blabbers who like to hear their own voi--er, see their words on the screen. :p

And, as Pam said, the friendships are wonderful. I'm so glad I de-lurked. When you're a lurker and reading fanfic, it's great -- you get fanfic! But when you get off the bleachers and start participating... smile1 smile1 smile1 It's just fun.

I do know that I participated with the boards and the ficlist way before I jumped in IRC. And now it's hard to remember what life was like pre-IRC. Lonely, I suspect. wink


I don't suffer from insanity...I enjoy every minute of it.