I've only recently de-lurked properly. In the past I posted occasionally on the fic list, but that was only ever feedback. I had been once or twice to Zooms boards, but had never posted until I posted feedback for F&AE:II, but that was it really. Then one day not long after the Kerths, I went to have a look the the IRC transcript for this year's Kerth Awards. As I was reading it, I saw that everyone there was having soo much fun! They seemed to know each other and all the little bits of news (like everyone was waiting for Erin to go into labour!) and having a great time.

It was only then (yeah, I know, I'm a slow learner! wink ) that I realised the enjoyment from Folcdom was not only all the fic, but getting to know everyone. I didn't do anything about it then, wasn't really sure how to go about de-lurking, but then I was saved! laugh The new boards were set up and I came straight over to register! I then started my own thread (I was feeling very brave - I have never been a member of a message board before, or at least a particpating member, plus I was nervous about de-lurking) and introduced myself. It was fantastic, everyone came in and said hello and made me feel so welcome, I got talking to LabRat wave when we both realised we hailed from 'Sunny' Scotland and I even managed to reach a decent post count (only 20 - but that was good for me!), replying to everyone! Then the board crashed and my thread got killed, but I came on back, and I don't think I've stopped since! laugh

Loriel (who realises that was probably more than you ever wanted to know, but, you did ask! wink )

"Inappropriate attachment" didn't begin to cover the depth of the feelings Vaughn had for Sydney Bristow.
~Ties That Bind by RJ Anderson~

I ramble at http://www.livejournal.com/~loriel_eris