I am a big fan of Smalllville (despite the plot holes big enough for a Mack truck to fall into wink )
It took me a bit to get used to Lana's lack of red hair, and I didn't expect to like her, but alas I do.

I completely agree with Kathy, Trenna, and Breanna. Chloe is definitely the most interesting character, the best actress, and so incredibly likable

I have to agree with that, Chloe is the best!!!
But I definately have to go with so many others, and say that Chloe is the best!!! Allison Mack is a great young actress and Chloe's character is strong and pretty well defined. We just don't get enough of her though!!!!

I really like these two and just as I want to change continuity and make Chloe really be Lois Lane in the witness protection program
Me too, I figure TPTB has altered the superman mythos already (ie Martha's pregnancy, clark's lack of glasses, Lana's dark hair) that this wouldn't be THAT much of a stretch!! dizzy

(BTW, did anyone else think last week's episode -- when Clark asked both Chloe and Lana how they would feel if they found out someone they knew was an alien -- was a *total* indicator that he's meant to be with Chloe over Lana? (Thus my hope that Chloe is Lois. <g>) Chloe says it would be totally cool while Lana was fearful ... says it all right there, Clark!!)
OMG yes, I get soooooo frustrated with the "duh clark" ARGH!!!!

As for John Shea as an actor, I guess I haven't seen him in anything but LnC so he might be a fine actor
He is on Mutant X now, I've only seen it a couple of times, but he seems to have the same general demeaner as "his Lex", or maybe it's just that all I could see was him as Lex after watching and rewatching LnC so many times. I do think that MR's Lex is much more depth, but am not sure if it's the actors or the writing.

I'm with you Anna on this weeks episode
Good things: Lex and Helen moving ahead in their relationship. Some great dialogue by Lex. Lana kicking some serious butt. No 'Hothead Johnathan.' No Lionel. No Freak of the Week. No meteor rocks.
Plus some glimpses of "old school" Chloe!!

"Well, let's see, so far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, treated as your girlfriend, and I insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this. Mmm, mmm." -- Lois to Clark, 'Green, Green Glow of Home'