I enjoy the show and have the pretty much the same assessment of this week's episode that you do, Anna.

What I found interesting is that, as far as I can recall, this is the first time the show has made Lex the primary character -- I viewed the Clark/Lana/fratboy storyline as secondary -- in a storyline that didn't involve his father. Lex was definitely the "hero" in this episode ... recognizing immediately that Helen was being stalked by her ex, taking matters into his own hands when police didn't prevent her attack, then proving at the last minute that he is good inside by not killing the guy, even when he could have gotten away with it.

The proposal at the end was very sweet (though I expected her to be cut up a bit more -- I thought that guy was going to carve up her face when he grabbed those scalples!), though it does make me expect even more than before that Helen is going to have something to do with making Lex go bad. If she dies, will he go off the deep end? Especially if his father has something to do with it? It's the logical answer, though I hope it doesn't happen -- I really like these two and just as I want to change continuity and make Chloe really be Lois Lane in the witness protection program <g>, I want Lex to somehow cheat fate and not turn evil.

As for the show overall, it tends to be full of plot holes and this week was no exception (exactly *why* did the frat boy drop his lawsuit? Because Lana beat him up? He might not want to sue her because he was embarrassed, but she it wasn't like she has anymore proof that he was faking his injuries than she had proof that he tried to assault her, yet the police believed her this time and not the first time?), but if I view it as mindless fun -- and a chance to watch a likeable (not to mention majorly swoonable <g>) Lex -- I enjoy it. As long as they keep Lana's screen time to a minimum (she annoys the heck out of me wink ), I'm happy. <g>

(BTW, did anyone else think last week's episode -- when Clark asked both Chloe and Lana how they would feel if they found out someone they knew was an alien -- was a *total* indicator that he's meant to be with Chloe over Lana? (Thus my hope that Chloe is Lois. <g>) Chloe says it would be totally cool while Lana was fearful ... says it all right there, Clark!!)
