As for smoking things... well, nobody has been shown ingesting meteor rocks that way yet...
Oh no! Don't give the writers ideas! The last thing we need is for them to come up with another way to make Freaks of the Week.

Now I'm totally convinced that Chloe doesn't deserve Clark... She deserves someone better.
Darn right! Good thinking, Dan. laugh

As for John Shea as an actor, I guess I haven't seen him in anything but LnC so he might be a fine actor, but I still can't stand what the writers did with the character on LnC. I know I'm probably alone on this (which is perfectly okay, I'm alone in a lot of things wink ), but I really do think that the one thing the Smallville writers have done right is Lex. He's definitely the most interesting character on Smallville.

more often than not,I find his storylines more interesting than Clark's.
That's always the case with me, Kathy. cool
