I completely agree with Kathy, Trenna, and Breanna. Chloe is definitely the most interesting character, the best actress, and so incredibly likable that I can't figure out why the writers insist on snubbing her in favor of Lana in most of the episodes. I'm not exactly annoyed by Lana, I like her just fine (certainly more than Alt-Lana of LnC), but Chloe is just so adorable, as well as smart and self sufficient, while at the same time being human and emotionally vulnerable at times. I could probably go on and on about how great Chloe is and about how the writers have slighted her, but I'll stop there.

Another character I think is slighted is Pete. Sam Jones is a great actor and the character could have a much larger affect on the plots given that he knows Clark's secret. Instead they bring him in almost like cameo shots where he talks to Clark for a split second, or does something for Clark, or tags along with Clark. He has never been rounded out as a character. I want to know so much more about him than the show lets us know.

One thing that I love about Smallville in general is Michael Rosenbaum as Lex. This is the one thing that is, imo, better in Smallville than it was in LnC. Michael Rosenbaum is a far better actor than John Shea and the writers have made his plot lines far more believable. The fact that Lex is involved in almost every facet of what goes on in and around Smallville is natural in the setting of a small farming community. On LnC, however, I always thought that it was a little far fetched to say that Lex was behind every villainous scheme that occured. I equate the Lex of LnC with the meteor rocks of Smallville more than I equate him with the Lex of Smallville.

Question: Does anyone think that Helen will become pregnant very soon and have a son named Jaxon? Just a thought. wink
