Yeah, James, I've heard that complaint registered before ... would they really be so cruel as to let her get pregnant, have it be a recurring subplot during the whole season, only to let the baby die? I am really wondering how they are going to get themselves out of that one. But, of course, they've changed continuity in large ways before, so who knows ... maybe this will be Smallville's version of Supergirl. <g>

As for Chloe, I agree about her getting snubbed. I can't figure out what they are doing with her; it just doesn't make sense. In script after script, she is being set up as the perfect companion for Clark. Yet Clark holds on to his crush on Lana. What message are they sending, if Clark isn't destined to wind up with Chloe in the end?

I was especially astounded by the episode where Clark was so sick with the K-poisoning and Chloe came to sit with him. The letter she read to him -- "My dad says there are two kinds of girls: the kind you grow out of and the kind you grow into. I hope I'm the kind you will grow into." -- was amazing and beautiful and so touching. And in response, they torture her by having Clark call out Lana's name so that Chloe bursts into tears? What in the world are they thinking??

Now Anna's comment about Lex ... I disagree that John Shea wasn't a great actor; I thought he did an amazing job with the character. Yes, L&C's Lex was involved with a lot of crime, but that's like saying Superman was involved with a lot of rescues. <g> It's the premise of the show. But I definitely won't argue that Michael Rosenblum does a great job, too -- I think he has a bright future ahead of him as an actor. He has looks and charisma and a presence about him ... more often than not,I find his storylines more interesting than Clark's. smile
