Well, a comment on the modern version of marriage.

I can understand Lois, who at this stage doesn't really think she can feel things intensely, being convinced by Lex that she was "in love" with him.

How flattering to have the 3rd (was it?) richest man in the world sweeping you off your feet. He says you mean everything to him, yada yada.

I think this was exactly Lois in Season 1. She didn't love Lex, she just didn't know it could be any different for her so she was going to settle. How could she know she didn't love him because the real thing hadn't hit her yet.

Now she's met someone who she is very attracted to and the most important thing, has the same values and priorities in life.

Go, Wendy! When will Betrayed being playing on this fanfic board near me?