Gee, I don't post in a really long time, and when I do, I spark some very interesting conversation!!! I love it! thumbsup

It's good to be back.... wink

Ray, I agree with a lot of what you said, and a lot of the reason that Lois "settles" is because of her self-esteem issues (or lack thereof).

However, would/should/will Lex have the right to be angry? Sure. But does Lois need to stay in a relationship for the rest of her life that doesn't give her what she needs? Especially now that she sees what she could possibly have instead that WOULD make her happy? Of course not. I think Wendy did a great job of showing that Lois is not just attracted to Clark because he's handsome and charming, but because they have a lot in common and just click.

She knows now that she went into this marriage for the wrong reasons, whether she realized it before or not (she's always been great at denial!), and sometimes it is exactly the impetus of meeting the right person for you that opens your eyes to what you might have realized deep down but weren't willing to admit to yourself. She doesn't belong with Lex. She's not happy. She's alone a lot. She gave up her career. She is expected to change to accomodate her "important" husband. Some women will be manipulated into changing who they really are especially if they don't feel good enough about themselves to be willing to wait for someone who will love them for who and what they really are, not for who they actually are. One of my sisters is very beautiful and was very popular all through high school and college and beyond that. I used to watch salesmen racing each other to be the first to wait on her. :rolleyes: She always had a boyfriend from the time she was 12, and I grew up watching how she would change her personality based on who she was seeing at the time. Even as a kid, this really bothered me and I refused to ever do that when I was dating. I figured that if someone didn't want me for who I was, then he was the wrong guy. And I waited until I found the right one. smile

Kathy, thanks for sharing your friend's background with us. I think we generally assume that people who have it all are happy and fulfilled, and unfortunately, this is often not the real situation.

Next? smile


The world is made up of three kinds of people: those who can count, and those who can't.