Maybe I should explain my plot idea a bit more...

Like I said, I'm seeing a future world, not terribly advanced, but some, torn apart by the war, although it's slowly recovering. I've been thinking that maybe the Nkers live among the population for a while before they're outted??? Something happens(somebody sees somebody doing something super??), the world rebels out of fear, so the NKers fight back.

I need Clark well known, before and after the war. I'm envisioning him speaking out against his race when they attack, which is one reason he's still trusted by Earthlings.(I can see him being torn- raised on Earth by humans, but desperate to learn of his heritage.) Maybe writer would work best because he could be fairly popular without being anything sensational. Of course, after it becomes known he's Kryptonian, he's cast straight into the spotlight. Would it be believable that being found out would make him angry and bitter?

I want him to ultimately help bring peace, which works to impress a certain lady he meets along the way. For this to work the way I'm picturing, I need him to be somewhat detatched, almost like he doesn't care at all- at least to outside appearances. Then when he's the main one to bring peace, that lady sees the real man.

This is still just some crazy, random thoughts rattling around right now, but hopefully I can hash it out eventually.
