This idea is not too dissimilar to the recently concluded Kandorian storyline in all the Superman books.

A way was found to free the Kryptonians from the city of Kandor, who were shrunk and stolen by Brainiac before the planet blew up. Superman had freed them from Brainaic long ago and had kept the bottled city in his Fortress of Solitude, promising to restore them to their normal size someday.

Well, the crux of the story was that somehow (I can't remember the means)the Kandorians were restored to their normal size.

Suddenly you have 100,000 plus super powered Kryptonians on earth.

I'm not going to go into all the ins and outs of the plotline which lasted for about a year, but lets just say that the two races just didn't get along.

The Kandorians chose to make their own planet and placed it in the same orbit as earth but on the opposite side of the sun.

Still, with General Zod being the military leader (and still considered a hero)of the Kryptonians, and a very Trask like xenophobic General Sam Lane (Lois' father)as his opposite number, conflict was inevitable and eventually war was the result.

It was called the 100 minute war, and due to various machinations, manipulations, betrayals, and Luthor technology; most of the Kryptonians were wiped out.

I found the whole story arc quite distasteful, poorly executed, and not very plausible.

The fact that Superman chose to leave the planet he was raised on, by two incredible earth people, and the earth wife he supposedly was madly in love with just to 'keep an eye on Zod' I found exceedingly unconvincing.

I'm sure the story arc will soon be collected in trade paperback form soon.

Tank (who also found it interesting that the whole time Superman was off planet that no one wondered where Clark Kent was)