I've tried posting this three times already and every time there's been something wrong with my server. mad


Imagine a world a little further into the future, slightly more advanced. Krytonians are here, attacked Earth, but the people of Earth overcame, eventually. What I need now is a way to keep the Kryptonians nice and normal. Keep in mind there wasn't very many of them and somebody figured out how to control them with K-nite, so basically they would agree to surrender to keep from being completely eliminated. What I'm envisioning is them living a somewhat normal life. Would it be believable for them to live in a place where they can set up their own society? Sort of like their own country? If so, where? A particular section of the US? An island somewhere? Is that enough info for some suggestions?

And speaking of Kryptonians... would it be believable that the colony sent away from Krypton was somehow sent hurtling through space in the direction of Earth? Maybe some kind of incident happened that sent them off course? (Ann, I'd sent you a private message but your inbox is full! evil ) Could you see a group/country on Earth helping them? (Sort of like helping them gain their independence?) And I need an end all, take all kind of showdown. (Yes, involving Clark.)

Was that too vague for anybody to help out a bit?

SQD (who hates getting ideas that seem to be just out of reach for a complete story)