I've had my hair seriously cut twice. The first time I went for this shoulder lenght style with a silly pony that was 'in' at the time. I was fourteen, with hair half way down my back. It was what I wanted, so I didn't mind it much at the time. In the shop, it even looked really good. But oooh, the next day! Boy, did I regret it a lot. I had it grow immidiately again.

The second time, I was 22 and thought it'd be neat to have a shorter style, so I didn't spent all that much time getting it ready. Well, was I ever wrong. It took me even longer, and it was too short to make a decent pony tail out of it. So yeah, I regretted that one as well, and my hair is now past my shoulders again.

For me, the hardest part was the regret afterwards. I cut it off because I wanted it, only to be miserable with the result in the long end. Kinda goes in the 'you don't know what you have until it's gone' category. I'd be devestated if my hair was cut without my approval.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!