I'm a masochist with a touch of living on the edge, so I cut my own hair sometimes when it gets too split-endy. And there have been a couple of times when I cut it too short.

I wasn't traumatised, per se, but it wasn't pleasant. Also, when I was little, I always wanted long hair, but my mom and my grandma liked me with shoulder-length hair, so that's mostly where it stayed. Although now that I think about it, that was my fault for never actually telling them I don't want a haircut. And that was what prompted me to grow out my hair as long as possible as a teenager... though, sadly, I never quite managed to grow it as long as Catherine's. <g>

I also agree that having my hair cut against my will at this point would be traumatizing.

Julie smile

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I, Scully?

(The X-Files)