Actually, I find myself confused on the BNA issue as well, for the example that Carol just mentioned - that an author's first story/stories could be on a non-L&C site that no one knows anything about. Or perhaps on - does K-Comm go through the stories posted there to confirm BNA eligible authors? In another fandom I have seen a particular author post several stories, remove them all plus her posting name, then return to the fandom a couple of years later under a new name and several more stories (whether these are the same stories that were posted there earlier, I don't know). It would be hard to keep track of something like that. And of course is not a dedicated L&C site, but it has a large L&C section that many are well aware of, so it's more prominent than someone's LJ who has remained a lurker on either of the main boards.

So if a fic is posted but not finished - a WIP - then the author is eligible the year the fic is finished not started correct?
Based on what Labby said earlier, Carol, that's what I would believe as well. That is why Mercy is eligible for BNA this year but Estefi isn't.

And Carol, I'm so sorry to hear about that comment made to you about "why" you won BNA. Prolificity (I don't know if it's a real word either, but I really like it so I'm going to use it) may play a factor when some people choose BNA, but wouldn't be the only reason, for anyone. As I recall two or three years ago Michael won BNA and he only had one story. And as your subsequent stories and Kerth noms bear out, your work stands on its own, regardless of how many there are in a given year. Even though I hope you know that it wasn't true, it must have been a hard thing for you to hear, and I'm sorry that the person was bitter/angry/disappointed enough to say it.


"Our thoughts form the universe. They always matter." - Babylon 5