Rat, I understand your point. I've been around long enough to know the rules. I'm only sensing a different interpretation on the BNA issue this year. Yes, you're considered a BNA in the year you post your story. You can only be eligible for that once.

However, over the last years, I always thought you took the BNA out of the eligible story list. Anyone who has their story on their and is a new author, makes it to the BNA category.

Let me put myself up as an example. I wrote and posted my first story in December 2002. By your reasoning, I should've been up for BNA in the 2003 Kerths then. Yet, I wasn't until a year later because that story (and several others) were submitted to the archive in 2003.

So you see, I am now horribly confused as to just what the guideline here is. And if maybe interpretation has shifted? I would at least like to suggest something about BNA being added to the Kerth FAQs.

Saskia smile

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!