My first fanfic was actually the first story I posted here on the boards, Dear Lois.

I'd written a story about a superman-like character in high school, and I wrote half a novel length time travelling romance in college. When 147 pages were destroyed with only the first three backed up, I was disgusted and didn't write again for eight years.

I'd intended to dip my toe in with a vignette. I'd always been impressed with the ending scene in Whine Whine Whine where Lois stumbled in on Clark and realizes that he is "forever packing."

I wondered what would have happened if she'd gotten there too late, to an empty apartment.

So I wrote a Dear John letter to Lois, telling how Clark felt, obliquely revealing his secret.

Amazingly, I got feedback and encouragement, and so I wrote the first chapter. I got hooked on the feedback-addiction, and I've never looked back.
