First, it was how you dropped us right into the middle of it, right off the bat, and pulled away bit by bit, word by word, until we had this crystal clear picture of exactly where Lois and Clark are, literally, but also where they are in their relationship.

Then the banter which you capture note perfect. A combination of funny and smart and affectionate underneath.


"Don't they have *cows* in Venezuela?" Lois interrupted with a frown and then, her expression changing instantly to exasperation, "Don't answer that." She glanced skywards, rolling her eyes. "Why am I even asking?" she implored the heavens. "
And here:

"I'd have thought you'd have learned the basics by now. One of those skills a good reporter needs to know?" he prodded. "You know, the ones on that list you printed up and left on my desk my first day at the Planet."
But really, the last bit...Clark headed back towards town. The cold and the darkness mirroring his own sense of dread:

He paused in the darkness, listening to the silence, thick and heavy-laden with the promise of more snow to come, and sighed. He watched the puff of breath show white among the darkness for a moment before it faded, and then morosely, he shrugged the collar of his coat higher around his neck and moved on.
Ah man, Lab.

I could just be so jealous. So horribly, terribly jealous. But I won't. Really. It's just so good that I'll only admire it...with the occassional white hot twinge of entirely different thing than being jealous.



You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
