Hmmm. Intriguing opener. Nice that you're doing a proper job on Clark's power loss, rather than just setting it up as the plot device to keep them stranded in the woods. smile

I happened to noticed a typo: Aren't you supposed to have been tinkering with farm tractors before you leave the womb or something?

Of course, knowing Rat, maybe it's a deliberate mistake to make the speech seem more natural <g>. [Edit: actually, reading it again, maybe 'leave' is just as good as 'left'. Oops...]

Also, twenty-first century? I thought that, traditionally, we assumed that the actual air-dates of the eps is when stuff happens in L&C, making this (surely) a twentieth century time-frame? No big deal, of course - personally, I've always found it a little weird that people stick so rigidly to the air-dates of the show when dating events in L&C. TV shows, for me, happen out of real time; they exist in a sort of fantasy timeline which only bears a vague relation to reality <g>.
