I, like HatMan, me too. I love what Tipiwoman said and I agree too.
You know, I wondered as I read this why not just put the car in neutral and push it slowly into town. It'll take a long time, but at least they'll both be closer to town...I know, silly idea.
I don't think it is silly.

I feel silly, but in the beginning I must have skimmed over the first reference to snow. I didn't realize it until Lois was complaining. *blush*

I love the writing style!!!!!!! The vocabulary - thumbs up:
That the resurrected green ghost of kryptonite would insert itself into his world like a sliver of thorn beneath his skin.
couldn't that mean that any final outcome was plunged disconcertingly into the realms of uncertainty too?
I am enjoying the new setting they are in. It is different than the usuall Planet stuff, as MDL said:
I love the way we´re being thrown straight into the problem and on a different place. (Not the common places like the Planet or at their house and stuff).
Their bantering seems very real. I enjoy the thoughts Lois has going inside her head. They seem like very real 3D characters.

I am a little worried about his leaving her out there with the lions and tigers and bears. He heated up the car- will she notice the change from when she first got in there? It will be interesting to get Lois' POV. It's bound to get dark and she's a target for introspection whenever she's alone.
I agree to Sunkist.

Tank (who thought it would be funny if Clark, in trying to warm up the car, would have heated the gas tank too much causing it to explode)
My husband said the same thing. You both make me laugh!! LOL.

I'd say more, but my husband is calling. We are going to check out the 'Parade of Homes'

Please more!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.