Superman's powers were back by the end of HoL . In the last scene, Lois is about to tell Clark about her feelings for him, but he interrupts her to tell her he's not in love with her, then he rushes off. Seconds later Superman's up there, in the sky, and Lois is telling him she's not finished with him yet either.
That's a good point Carol. But personally, I had always thought that a couple of weeks had passed since Lois's "almost wedding". The reason I thought that is because Mr. Stern shows up with the newly minted Daily Planet globe. That little piece of hardware would take a little while to construct and assemble. It might not have taken two weeks from the wedding... but I think it would have definitely taken several days for Mr. Stern to turn completely around on his objection to buy the Daily Planet and then commission the creation of a new masthead for the building (or repair the old one, whatever it was that he did).

So while it might not have taken all "summer" <g> for his powers to come back, it still certainly could have taken days, or even a couple of weeks (since we have no time frame to reference).

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong! If you have a time frame I'm unaware of, please let me know (not that it will influence what I'm writing in any way, but I'd still like to know).

-- DJ

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.