There was a story in the comics last year which ended with Clark losing his powers for an extended period. (It wasn't kryptonite, and I guess it's not worth risking spoiling anybody who wants to go out and read it.) Immediately after that point, the comics jump forward one year to the point where his powers come back.

Perry has been thrilled. Not too long before this happened, Clark's performance had been suffering. He'd been losing focus, running out on important stories, missing deadlines, not showing up to work... The higher-ups were talking about letting him go. (And that's despite the number of times that Lois has secretly written up the story for him and turned it in with his byline.)

Now, though... he's fully in the game. Doing what he's supposed to be doing. Showing up, getting the stories, writing them up on time, and doing a dang good job of it.

Lois has been pretty happy, too. Finally, her husband is all hers. She doesn't have to worry about him flying off all of a sudden... and she doesn't have to worry about whether or not he'll come back in one piece this time, either.

Sure, neither Lois nor Clark is really thrilled that he can't be Superman. Go out there and save the day. See disasters in the making and stop them from happening in the nick of time. But there's nothing they can do about it until his powers come back (if they come back). Nothing but make the most of it.

So, there's the comic book answer, anyway. Clark is frustrated, but he lets it go as best he can. Puts his energy into his normal life. And it makes the people who are part of his normal life much happier.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.