t'd be interesting to explore his life post powers. Would he throw himself into his work? Would his Clark persona change at all now that he doesn't have to protect his secret by acting clumsy or less confident? Would he become clumsy and less confident?

Also, what would his relationship to Lois be? Without Superman around, would they have gotten together sooner and would Clark ever tell her about his origins? How would Lois feel about Lex effectively 'killing' Superman because of her? Also, if Clark kept the truth from her at first, how would Lois feel when she finally found out (if the powers came back)?
Really interesting questions here. You could frame this with a slammin' A-plot. What if he threw himself into his work and that had consequences making either or both targets? The angst potential is amazing. Also you have plausible grounds for him keeping the secret identity from her (since hypothetically he wouldn't know if the powers are coming back or if she'd even believe him, etc. or, hell, have him tell her and she not believe him and he be unable to prove it! smile The running gag would be hilarious throughout the fic until the end when Lois finds out--now _that_ would be an interesting reaction to see). I'd definitely read it, it sounds ridiculously exciting.

One loses so many laughs by not laughing at oneself - Sara Jeannette Duncan