There is another option, of course. Perhaps they simply wrote the best stories that year. I sometimes think that we can analyse our choices too far, worry about the reasons too much, and miss sight of the fact that maybe we chose a certain story because it was well-written.
I can’t remember a story in the last years Kerth nominee list that I didn’t consider well-written. I clearly had favourites though were the decision was easy, But I also noticed that established authors had a distinct advantage for my attention. Diving into a story by an “icon” is easy, I have a fairly good idea what I’m going get and that I’m not going to be disappointed. Reading a story by miss No-name OTOH had elements of a chore. The first time I discovered that I simply skimmed some of them to be able to eliminate them.
Furthermore I doubt many spent as much time evaluating the candidates as I did last year and if I didn’t give the fringe players a chance who would?

And I can say this next part because I am such a newbie (haven't even hit the 1 year mark yet). I don't think anyone should feel like they shouldn't nom or vote for an icon, or an old-timer, or maybe someone who just gets "talked about" or "mentioned a lot". Here's the thing -- if *everyone* felt that way, then those writers wouldn't get any noms.
MR, I don’t pity vote as such. The final verdict is always based on how much I enjoyed the story but when one author barely lose out in several categories, I do re-examine the field. I would never vote for a newbie just because he/she is new. But when I have narrowed it down to two stories it’s a factor I consider.
I assure you the Icon’s do get votes from me,(fairly often they are icons for a reason wink ) and in any case doubt your scenario were the favourites are discounted is a concern. It would surprise me if some authors don't get votes on name recognition alone. This is how the human mind works.

This is a vote to express how YOU personally truly feel about the fics you have read this year. Which fics really touched you? Which ones left you in tears? Which ones were you sitting on the boards hitting the refresh key every 5 minutes because the author said they were getting ready to post the next part?
That is my sentiment. But I wonder if it is universal. Best story can mean several things, most well written for example.

I do know you, and I know you wouldn't lie... at least to me...most of the time...