Arawn asked this in the Kerth thread:

What exactly is the best? Last year I went with most enjoyable, which not necessarily is the same as the most wellwritten for example.
Good question! I've always been curious about the things that influence us as we decide which stories to nominate, in the longer categories especially. It's not easy - all sorts of factors are at work, but then the moment comes and you decide on the ones.

So what decided you? What are your filters?

Was it the plot or the writing style, or the angst level or waff level, or the insights into characterization? Subconsciously, does the author in fact matter to you? Or are your good memories of a story influenced by the nfic scenes and so you perhaps make up your mind based on the nfic version? Or do you just know: this story for that category. Does the length of a story count (a 50 K story for Overall)? Or other things I haven't thought of?

I know Labrat says she uses a pin - it's part of the Archive EIC perk package laugh - but if we were all to do that we may as well just draw lots to determine the nominees and the winners. smile

So what influences your decision , both consciously and subconsciously?

A request: If you do respond to this query, please don't mention any authors or fics - want to keep this thread lobby free. smile
