Also, Chris, I'd disagree that your fondness for paper is an age thing: I'm older than you . I, too, learned to type on a manual typewriter, was very happy to move onto an electronic model, and finally transferred to primitive word processing. Nowadays, I reckon I can type as fast as I can write and, given the choice of taking dictation by hand or on a keyboard, would always choose the latter - it's less tiring and the end result is far, far more legible <g>.
Bizarrely, I also can type as fast as I write... and I agree that the result is more legible. (Is this irony? wink )

As for what you (Yvonne) suggested about paper lovers being fluent writers... I'd have to say no. You haven't seen my pieces of paper. They end up covered with scrawly handwriting, insertions, crossings out, asterisks to show where changes take place but where I don't have room to write them in...
