I'm definitely like you James. I always have been when in school and the assignment required that I include a draft copy, my final copy is always completely different from my original draft because I change things around so much. So if I never needed a draft included in the assignment, I would always write it out on the computer then begin the task of editing my essay or whatever.
Well, I remember the days when we had no choice but to use paper. Heck, that first Apple didn’t come out until I was out of high school.

But whether I write things on paper (very rare these days) or on the computer, there are always some major edits. The only time I’ve write using paper these days is if I’m sitting some where waiting, and then I might end up only writing what would be the equivalent of 2 or 3 pages in the word processor. I suppose I could use my palm pilot, but composing on it is pretty slow - slower than handwriting for me. But my preference, by far, is to use the computer. I can type SO much faster than I can write that it’s tons easier. It doesn’t hurt the carpal tunnel as much, and it’s a heck of a lot easier to edit using the computer. Mostly if I try to write by hand, I get bogged down. I have trouble keeping up with my ideas as it is when I’m typing. I’d probably just give up if I had to write it all down on paper.

~~Even heroes have the right to dream.~~