I used to write everything out on paper and then would type it up, revising as I went. Now I generally have the idea in my head, type out a scene on the paper and then go back and revise, fill in details and edit it. I have found that there is a tendency on my part to rewrite endlessly, so I now get it on paper(or computer), revise and edit about twice, then go on. If I include something later that requires revision of an earlier part, I'll go back and fix it, and then, when the whole thing is written I go back over the whole story one last time for minor edits and proofreading. If I didn't do that, I'd never get anything written in final form and posted. If I spot an error after a *part* has been posted to the message boards, well, there's an edit button there for a reason.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.