I write mostly on the computer, but this past summer, my youngest son (who is almost two) wouldn't let me be at the computer without throwing a temper tantrum. So I took to writing a few scenes down on paper (he didn't have a problem with Mommy writing on a tablet of paper. Silly kid!) and then I would type it up and edit it late at night after the kids went to bed.

The downside is that with a long story, I still feel the need to do this (go back to the very beginning) every time I sit down, and it gets harder and harder to produce anything new; all of my time is spent re-reading and tweaking what I wrote before.
I'm the same way. It takes me so long to write anything new, that's why I haven't posted anything yet. My muse is too unpredictable, sometimes months go by without writing a word. So I'm waiting until I finish the story I'm working on now before posting.

Silence is golden.
Duct tape is silver.

~Saw it on a T-Shirt.