I write on the laptop, sitting on the sofa with loud music in my headphones - usually in the middle of the night. How's that for being precise. LOL!

Seriously, though - the stories themselves are written directly on the computer. But I always have a notebook with me (I have several actually, cause I keep forgetting to bring them along and I end up having to buy a new one *very* often) so that if I'm on the bus at night (my commute is quite long) I can jot down my ideas. My brain is made of swiss cheese, there are gaping holes in it. I can think of something brilliant and 5 seconds later I'll have forgotten it. So pen and paper are my best friends when I'm not actually sitting in front of a keyboard. I only put down notes in there, though, I don't write the actual stories or even the dialogs longhand. Just enough to remember my ideas until I get to where I can type them.

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies