Well, I am completely new to LC fanfic (I've been reading for a few months but just ventured over here to the message boards yesterday), but I've been reading/writing fanfic for 7 or 8 years. For about five years I stuck solely to Harry Potter. But for the last few years I've been branching out. I've read and dabble a little in writing Star Trek (Voyager and Next Gen), Smallville, Buffy, X-Men, Lord of the Rings (mostly book based, not movie based), NCIS, and Tamora Pierce. There are probably a few more, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.

The biggest fandom I follow now is Star Wars (I have a four part epic in the works), and I've been reading and writing for a little over two years on theforce.net.

I seem to have this trend though, I find an archive (fanfic.theforce.net and lcfanfic.com) and read for a few months and then I realize (yes I somehow missed it before) that there are message boards attached where there is even *more* cool stuff to read!

So here I am. I'm not a newbie to fanfic in general, but I'm new to Lois and Clark fanfic and to these message boards. So, hi all!

"I don't know Mom; it's a bomb stain." -Clark Kent